Pass the Kleenex

I just finished a book in which the last quarter I was crying. Tears sloshed down my face and my nose ran. This has happened maybe twice that I can recall. Why did this book touch me so? The characters were drawn so well that I truly cared for them, felt empathetic to their plight and plain just wanted a "Happily Ever After" ending.

The book, The Friday Night Knitting Club does not sound like a book that would elicit tears. But the emotion and actions of the characters were so real that I had no problem buying into the story. To me, these people were real, my neighbors, friends, and relatives. In fact, I read the book slowly, which is unusual for me, but I wanted to savor every word and prolong the ending.

It seems as if this book is quite the phenomenon. There are several websites for the book such as Walker and Daughter in which a community of readers is created and there are many aspects of the book such as Dakota's Bakery that will remind you of parts of the story that were endearing and fun. The story is a work of fiction, however the way that each nuance is described, it is as if you could through the upper west side of NYC and pop in for a visit.

What is so fun for me is that this is a book that I wouldn't ordinarily choose to read. My time is precious, so much of my reading is done on a research basis, or saved for established authors that I know and trust. To me, stepping outside the box brought me a special present that will encourage me to search for that next extraordinary reading encounter with a little more patience and open-mindedness.

What have you read lately that has made you take a second look or think about for days? Have you stepped out of the box and into an imaginary world that has you so transfixed that you just don't want to leave?

That's it according to Maddy~


To Read Or Not To Read

Okay, I apologize for the title, but I'm a big Shakespeare fan and since I'm an English teacher, I should be. However, the subject of reading while trying to write is a tricky one. Should we read books that are a different genre then what we are writing?

If I am reading a historical and writing a historical, will the tone, ideas, and characterization seep into my writing? I tend to think not. Mainly because I feel that all authors have their own writing "voice". My tone would not mimic the other authors writing because if it did, wouldn't it be a carbon copy of the book? Also, many writers plan their plot, GMC, and characterization prior to writing and that helps direct them more than reading another book.

I do find reading books of the same genre I am writing beneficial because it tells me what editors have purchased and perhaps their manuscript personality. I may have in insight to a specific editors love of Pirates or Highlanders. Also, books do have a tone. Are they funny? Highly sensual? Or over-the-top dramatic? When searching for a publisher, these are all things to consider before submitting a book. I've done workshops on targeting your manuscript and truly investigating a publisher is important so you are not wasting your time or the editors time.

So, what is your opinion? Do you find it distracting to be reading and writing in the same genre?

That's it according to Maddy ~
